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  • Jack Alan Levine

Addicts Create Their Own Reality

We know that because of their addiction, most addicts are unable to deal with the demands, pressures and obligations of life. So in order to cope and to satisfy the desire to have what they want, when they want, no matter who it hurts, addicted people create their own […]They attempt to keep their emotional state and mood at a constant high level by continuing to indulge in their addiction. Thus, they continue to use drugs or alcohol and have come to the point where they are dependent on the alcohol or drugs to elevate their mood to an acceptable or “bearable” level. The addiction has taken control of them, and very often they will engage in risky, certainly detrimental and sometimes criminal behavior.

For instance, missing appointments and not showing up for work is common. Blowing off obligations and responsibilities to family and friends is common. Not taking care of their physical health or appearance is common. Spending excessive amounts of money and time indulging their addiction is common. Stealing and lying are also common. The addiction now owns them and controls them so that the only time they can feel calm and in control is when they are indulging in their addiction. The fact of the matter is their lives are spinning out of control and they no longer have control. Yet, this is the irony and insidious nature of the disease, it distorts reality completely for those under its grip.

The addicted person’s reality is focused and anchored upon making sure they are able to indulge their addictions at any and all costs, including physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, and relationship costs. Usually, addicted people will suffer in every one of those areas as a result of their ongoing addiction. The sad reality that they are trapped in their addiction is now very clear to the addicted person. However, usually, they will ignore this fact and continue spiraling downward in their addictive behavior. They are now literally engulfed by the addiction. It has become the only way of life they know, it is their default survival mechanism. It is what they live for and what they mistakenly believe is the only thing that gives them pleasure, control or peace. In fact, they have completely lost touch with reality and their addiction has completely overtaken them.

As sad as it is, this is an often necessary step to the recovery process. It is our hope and desire that we see the addicted person “hit bottom” as soon as possible, so that they have felt enough pain, and are willing to do what it takes to begin the recovery journey, which is the ONLY WAY to get back their true life and break free from the bondage and prison of addiction.

To your Freedom,

Jack Alan Levine, Addiction Expert, Father, Author & Businessman

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